childbirth fear pregnant woman

Overcoming Fear of Childbirth: Methods I’m Using to Regain Birth Confidence as a Third Time Mom

My first two birth experiences were fairly different from each other. The first was quite blissful and straightforward. The second was more challenging and left me with a bit of anxiety. I never thought I would have a fear of childbirth, but I did for many months afterwards, even though there were no birth complications.

Overcoming Fear of Childbirth: Methods I’m Using to Regain Birth Confidence as a Third Time Mom Read More »

Independent Sleep Comes In It’s Own Time (It took My Toddler 4 Years)

When will my baby learn independent sleep? That’s the question I asked for 4 years. “Sleeping through the night, every night, without needing a parent’s assistance is like learning to walk or talk or drink from a cup—all kids get there, but they do so at their own speed, a little at a time, and

Independent Sleep Comes In It’s Own Time (It took My Toddler 4 Years) Read More »

ecological breastfeeding and natural child spacing

What is Ecological Breastfeeding? Does it Really Work?

What is ecological breastfeeding and does it really work as a method of natural child spacing? In this post you will read about my experience practicing and relying on ecological breastfeeding and my thoughts on the topic… Have you heard of Ecological Breastfeeding? I hadn’t either, until I did. 🙂 ha! Ecological breastfeeding is more

What is Ecological Breastfeeding? Does it Really Work? Read More »